About Us

The mission of the Graduate and Professional Student Government at IUPUI (GPSG) is to promote the educational experience, interests, and needs of graduate and professional students at IUPUI. GPSG seeks to:

  • Improve the quality of graduate and professional student life for all graduate and professional students
  • Give graduate and professional students a voice in matters pertaining to the affairs of the university
  • Provide a means for graduate and professional students to become involved in determining future university directions and in campus planning
  • Enhance graduate and professional student involvement on campus and in the community

The Graduate and Professional Student Government at IUPUI (GPSG) envisions enhancing campus collaboration, connection, and service to enrich the experience of the entire IUPUI community. The Graduate and Professional Student Government takes pride in encouraging students to willfully participate not only within their university, but also the surrounding community through campus traditions, grant distribution, campus and community advocacy, and health and wellness.


If you are interested in getting involved with GPSG, you can email us at gpsg@iupui.edu and join us for one of the General Assembly meetings.


To find more details about our meetings, please visit our Spot Page.